Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The basics

WHO: Santiago Peidrafita
WHY: Graphic Design department head + my Mentor for this Independent Study

This whole idea began in Santiago's office at the beginning of May. I was in his office going over my fall schedule and I mentioned that I was going to be working in an entomology lab specializing in honey bees. I told him that I wanted to create something that would use my experience with the bee lab as an example for what I hoped to do when I graduate, which is to do scientific research but also be a messenger and a communicator to the other side, to the public (my dream job would be to work for National Geographic).
I love to learn, but usually that's not good enough. After a great class or experience there is still a lingering urge to do something, to create something, with my new found knowledge. I like to think of it as my way of self-expression because I learn something, pass it through my system, letting it work through all the different brain chemicals, cogs, metaphors, images and emotions that show up, and then birth a story, a photo essay, a poem or a booklet. It's what I do.

here is an instructional drawing:

I'm extremely accurate and technical. It's intimidating, I know.

Alright, so as the idea became more solid during our talk Santiago asked, "Why don't you use this for an independent study? It sounds exactly like what you want to do and it will be an excellent way to show future employers what is is that you can do."
So with that the idea hatched and we've been working on getting it to this point (the production of a blog + deliverables) for about two months through meetings and email. Our last meeting was held over Skype and it proved to be a very efficient way to communicate because he was able to log onto the blog and Flickr account and see everything I had thus far done. Our next meeting is tomorrow morning. I'll update the blog accordingly.


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